Sorosis Club of Orange City
#1 for KIDS!
#1 for KIDS!

The Sorosis Club of Orange City is a women’s civic organization which was formed in 1958. A group of local women banded together to build a youth hall for the children of Orange City after the original hall was destroyed in a fire. The idea was to raise funds to have the hall rebuilt, and upon its completion, to continue care and maintain the hall for future generations. Through the hard-working efforts of the Sorosis Women and generous donations from local residents and Merchants, the hall was completed in the early 1960’s and continues to operate today.

General Membership meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Orange City Recreation Hall. If you are interested in making a donation, volunteering for one of our projects, or joining our club please contact us for more information.

©2014-2025 Sorosis Club of Orange City
Website Design & Hosting By Tinker Graphics